
4.7 ( 1587 ratings )
ヘルスケア/フィットネス メディカル
開発者 Troyer Advisors

Finding excellent nursing homes should be easier!

The federal 5-star ratings are no substitute for personal experience.

With NursingHome and your iPhone or iPad, finding and comparing nursing homes has never been so simple and intuitive!

- Share photos and experiences

- Find out from other users how they rate the home on:

* Friendliness of Staff
* Responsiveness
* Rehab
* Physical Appeal & Safety
* Odor, and
* Meal Experience

- Search for nursing homes near you or by zip-code or city and display them on a list or map.

- Access the latest in other vital indicators including government quality, special focus problem status, occupancy %, facility type, operator type, funding programs, actual care staff hours per resident per day compared to state and US averages, certified bed count, and more!

- Share nursing homes and pictures with family or friends on Facebook, Twitter, and email.

We enjoyed making this app; we hope youll enjoy using it :).

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